woensdag 29 mei 2013

Concept van 1 januari 2010

Onderstaand concept kwam ik tegen toen ik mijn blog aan het opschonen was van oude concepten. Ik heb het toen niet gepubliceerd maar wilde het niet weggooien. Alleen als je op het plaatje klikt kan je het lezen.
Draft from January 1rst, 2010
The draft above I found when I was cleaning up my blog (throwing away rough drafts). I did not publish it then, but did not want to throw it away. Only when you click the picture can you read the text on the blog I wrote on January 1rst, 2010.
(translation of the blogmessage: This is a weird start of the year: my husband is taking his first driving test on January 8th, we're collecting our new car on January 9th and on January 14th my mother will die. The last few weeks we have been preparing emotionally and practically and from now on we have two weeks to go. It's nice to be able to talk with my mother about all kinds of things and also weird to plan her last morning and talk to the docter who will assist her in ending her life with dignity.

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